
Steps for the new review process on DG side:

1. Go to items.
2. Click on "unrevised" scope.
3. Each row would contain an item along with a "revise" button.
4. Click "revise".
5. An item edit page would be loaded such that the agent can verify/change item data.
6. Click "update".
7. The item would be revised and if there is any change done by the agent:
    a. if the difference > 0, the user has to pay again.
    b. if the difference < 0, the extra amount the user paid would return to them as a refundable balance.
    c. if the difference = 0, the item would get shown to the procurement team for purchasing.

if all else fails Click Here ;) 

and make sure you are signed in to the Dashboard.

Article header with background image and parallax effect.